Mirroring Mirrors

Mirroring Mirrors
reflecting the reflected
twinning a twin
no separation
when we mirror from within
gagi     11/12/22

Child’s Play

Child’s Play
play with the children
come join in their world
what makes them happy
is contagious
playing with water
one of their favourite games
and they don’t even consider
its many forms all have names
to bathe/swim in the liquids
to have imaginary games
pouring water as tea
reality reframed
given an ice cube
fascinated how it melts
skating on a frozen puddle
and how its coldness is felt
then watching the vapour
they blow out on a cold day
or the steam drifting off
a hot mug enjoyed
as they play
the wonder
of everything
finding new ways
to experience
their world
wanting to play
gagi     11/09/22

Creative Inclusions

Creative Inclusions
linked to the everlasting
part of the evermore
aware of our positioning
and now of being here before
weaving the multi-dimensional
the new web of creation
our finest fibres connecting
we are alive with anticipation
all of the weavers are sharing their best
they know this is the home of the new world
the nest
the core we will build on as more join the team
the future we create is from our collective dream
gagi     11/09/22