Habitual Treason

Habitual Treason

the habit of betrayal
to our life purpose in the past
is now exposed and clearly seen
we are experiencing freedom at last

we were kept so busy
as time was compressed
trying to do the same or more
feeling frustrated and depressed

now there is an openness
a calmness from within
released from constant doing
slowing down the spin

clear on what we are to offer
specialists in what we love
creating from togetherness
the new world we dreamed of

gagi     07/06/23



what are we seeking
in ourselves and in others?
what are the basics
our fundamental core?

perhaps simplicity
heart-centred performance
a natural ability to share
a spirit of endurance
a softness and gentleness
a strength and determination
ability to communicate
with or without words

innocent, aware
open to exploring
playful, creative
honouring nature
dedication to growth
unlearning the past
weaving new networks
stringing beads of beauty

cherishing life
and allowing the flow
joining in Creator’s task
teaching humanity to love

so simple
so enduring
pray let us do this
starting now

becoming the new

gagi     07/05/23



once unplugged
the program is lost
a space of emptiness is required
to recognize the cost

the cost of old patterns
the automatic doing
the busyness of our programs
and the overwhelm ensuing

the awe and the freedom
the awareness of now
it is time for a reset
and we all know how

discerning the importance
of where we choose to align
repositioning to allow this
and let it flow thru our spine

remembering only
the gems of the past
building new networks + knotting the junctions
before our new nets are cast

setting new patterns
testing to feel
our navigational centre
in the heart is now real

gagi     07/05/23