Positional Freedom

Positional Freedom

we have an awareness of our world
that is struggling to be free
often places where there’s no safety
where they are not allowed to be
in charge of their choices

where there is control
there is suffering
where freedom has been sought
it is important to not
ever take it for granted

from a position of freedom
let us practice inclusiveness
let us reach out and be there
so those suffering will feel the care

by loving and sharing
as one heart there is no comparing
we experience all levels of life
be it abundance or strife
intentionally creating the new
where all not a few
can be free to roam
in the world we call home

gagi     10/08/23

Our Nation

Our Nation

the roots of a nation
let us call it the Earth
seen from the Moon
a new perspective was birthed

this beautiful sphere
cloaked in water and land
had no divisions, no borders
drawn in the sand

there was freedom to flow
from one pole to another
the only restrictions might be
the seasons or weather

how can we ever
control lives’ migration
now we understand the whole Earth
is our home and our nation?

gagi     08/19/23

The Bishop of Canterbury

The Bishop of Canterbury

what is it that brought this title into awareness?
what in a lifetime required such preparedness
to serve in this way?

with access to history we can search and discover
accomplishments, life events accumulated by another
in their personal journey 

it is worth a good read and if done we uncover
the current bishop, an archbishop, has been like no other
his contributions are vast

perhaps we are to track
his journey from the past
to understand what has been cast
into his periphery

gagi     08/11/23