Thank You Water

Thank You Water
in the awareness of now
and the honouring of
Water as our medium
that stores all our love
from generous abundance
to scarcity at times
water as a life force
our elemental paradigm
life’s very existence
depends on this source
let us honour and love Water
as a matter of course
gagi     10/17/22

Property of NoOne

Property of NoOne
i am the property of NoOne
brought into form, i was born
by the grace of Father Sky and Mother Earth
we were all birthed
we celebrate our beginnings
and Their beginnings
and in our individuated uniqueness
we answer the call
we are not owned
we are not cloned
i am a specialized me
expanding and free
to be love
gagi     10/13/22


we go thru stages of being capricious
unbalanced, unstable, unable to flow
thru each stage we’re adjusting
our ways as we stabilize
inherent and true to the truth of the whole
gagi     10/11/22