Calling in the Masters

Calling in the Masters

i was calling in the Masters
to join in meditation time
and who should turn up present
unexpected and in his prime

because his name was Masters
he felt he qualified
now he is present in good company
with other Masters who replied

his presence was of merriment
with an underlying serious tone
not sure why he is present
is there a message we can hone?

you got to know Asclepius
you saw him for yourself
it is time to know another now
who will give you gifts of health

Sekhmet met you at our residence
a now ancient place and shrine
her presence is uncomplicated
and one would say sublime

her strength is calling to you
she commands attention now
she asks you to accept a task
and she will show you how

the morning sun is rising
calling forth this dawn of day
Sekhmet the lioness sun god
begins to stalk her prey

she hungers for the lofty
the creatures who do not pray
for peace and joy and kindness
as they begin and end a day

instead controlling others
they create hardship so they can stay
living lives of luxury and
letting others pay

Sekhmet wants to teach you
i accept, and i’m willing to stay
a student of this healer
to change our world as it is today

your task will not be easy
yet you can enjoy it as if at play
for the seriousness must be offset
by being in a playful way

your instructions will come at waking
tune in then begin each day
and share this little story
with my Jeannie, yes you may

gagi     6/24/14

Marble in the Sand

Marble in the Sand

sparkling marble embedded in the sand
a remnant perhaps from the sculptors of this land
holding the essence of centuries before
washed up from the treasure chest on Poseidon’s floor

a finger, a thumb nail – what could it have been?
smoothed now thru the ages from the storms of the Aegean
polished, a fragment of a creation long ago
crafted by a sculptor who wanted us to know

the essence of one’s beauty is not in our form
it is carried in the entirety of the potential with which we’re born
we’re masterpieces sculpted by the One who holds the key
to give us movement and feeling for who we want to be

gagi    05/27/14

inspired by a beach in Greece

A Plain Wooden Crate

A Plain Wooden Crate

A plain wooden crate
built of 4 X 8 plywood
standing upright and new
there in plain view

on the edge of a pasture
brought thru fence or a gate
creating a surprising
change in landscape

can one simply observe it
and allow it to be
or as a curious child
want to know what we see

noticing it’s enclosed
and there’s no one around
there is stillness, no movement
not even a sound

and a smile then appears
as we realize what is found
for the crate may be empty
simply empty
and our wonders abound

gagi     04/20/14