

emerging from the quietude
the sanctitude of retreat
peaceful and with gratitude
for the inner work to complete

traversing the waters
bridging the realms
merging the latitudes
then pulling to the core
aligning to our guidance
as never before

a oneness in surges
time after time
pulsing awareness
as we seek the divine

hearts open, sensing
some already there
feeling the love
that we’re wanting to share

open to the prospects
of a newness defined
a powerful emergence
once our love is combined

gagi       09/14/17

Statutory Remembrance

Statutory Remembrance

confined to the memoirs of the living instead
fundamental aspects for the moments ahead
quasi reductions to simplicity embrace
the returning to the golden age for our human race

in flight, intune, instruments aligned
guidance is favourable in the realms of the divine
postulated credence spreading the word
listen now for faintly, the echoes are heard

jasmine the scent that brings back the times
when all that we experienced was the way of divine
love and honouring, beauty and peace
fired from the heart and expressed with such ease

the laws of the universe were simple enough
the laws of the multiverse are primordial thus
we must return to our hearts for our hearts remember
return and ignite that primordial ember

gagi       09/11/17

Right Ear Receiver

Right Ear Receiver

in the space of silence
a place to tune in
a ringing, a buzzing
receipt from the spin

the spin of the incoming
a vibrational mix
hearing, receiving
set to transfix

transfixed to transform
who we are to be
our journey to becoming
what our soul now can see

hear from the right
pass thru the heart
return to creation
by doing our part

gagi      08/10/17