Position Ourselves

Position Ourselves

position ourselves to enter the future
it’s calling to all to arrive
mayhem alerts all to the timing
and to step forward to live our new lives

may the light of the calling shine now upon us
we who have asked to arrive
gently awaiting, this doorway has opened
welcoming and open so wide

the doorway, the entry point to the many dimensions
locked until now to control
the key to its entry is to bypass the sentries
who’ve been diverting and controlling our lives

position ourselves with clear-sighted vision
wide-angled lenses and rear-view mirrors combined
stand close together merging our visions
co-creating, our new roles co-assigned

feel into the ripple, feel into the force
it’s building and the vibration’s alive
the strength of our hearts tightly knotted together
now positioned to be the new tide

gagi        10/10/15 & 10/12/15

Still Point

Still Point

in the very centre
of our personal all that is
is our still point

deep in our heart
the place where the spark
came to anoint

as the chaos swirls on
we can remain in the calm
by seeking our still point

to live from this place
we are surrounded by grace
it’s the portal of love

gagi        10/09/15

Who are Your Heroes?

Who are Your Heroes?

who are your heroes and do you align?
role models, teachers who help to define
living a life with true meaning and inspired
to carry the torch, impassioned, rewired

time to devote and practice such traits
step into the world where your passion resonates
be in the power of love and emotion
fuelling your actions with passion and devotion

blessed are they who have stepped up and done
for they set in motion how battles are won
lead on and be all you can be
meet every challenge, parting the sea

so all can walk forth into the fertile future
bringing their crafts and experience to nurture
each deep inner spark that resides in the hearts
of the many who wait to align and take part

gagi   09/08/15 & 09/23/15