St. Bartholomew cont’d

St. Bartholomew cont’d

a calmness presides
eloquent transparencies
a newness imbibed
we are with you

have you ever encountered
an unlikely prism
that expanded a light source
into a life force?

that is the way now
and a time to be shown how
to recognize the Light
and all forms of His might

capture the essence
of the budding and presence
of newness in your days
of the expansion of rays

notice new awareness
and the ease of preparedness
how things seem to flow
and the ease of stop and go

feel the gentle heart centredness
and the ease of what’s meantedness
and the special insentiveness
and creative inventiveness

expand the light in all forms
the expansion creating newborns
life forms of the new creation
of a new genesis persuasion

just do it and now
thru experience you’ll know how
play with the sacred powers
know that you are the endowers
of the future to be

gagi      01/29/14

St. Bartholomew

St. Bartholomew

from St. Bartholomew

we embark now on a mission
it is a mission of wisdom
calling the truth holders
into the kingdom

sanctify the genesis
behold the forgotten
place integrity forefront
and all angles begotten

compare the similarities of all that are loving
come into the kingdom of fairness and of dichotomy
spacial divinity is there, there to behold
precious, the ancients are preserving the gold

opulent treasures are devised to be trinkets
compared to the wisdom that heralds the newness
a way of presiding above all as they are wearing
their love and their passion to serve the despairing

comfort the little ones who carry the seed
realize the urgency of all who’re in need
expand into the darkness where some souls are lost
regardless of the dangers or what it might cost

brilliant are the vestibules carrying the song
preamblitudes to the coming
of the new dawn

gagi      01/28/14


Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Arrest

Defined as: sudden cessation of heart function
resulting in lack of consciousness

Hmmm…or resulting from a lack of consciousness
– from not tuning into the heart

Cure:  stay in the beautiful heart… stay Aware

gagi      01/24/14