Abstract Conclusions

Abstract Conclusions

abstract conclusions can be thrown out the door
misguided justice can be never more
arguments given for what has no defence
often results in false claims so immense

when between two people a problem exists
they can communicate with words or sometimes with fists
add in tribunals with agendas of their own
and a massive imbalance in outcome is sown

pray for deliverance from all that’s unjust
let the beleaguered have hope and have trust
amazing injustices are being witnessed right now
those who judge others by not knowing how

not knowing the depths of relationships’ growth
by taking sides with one, not understanding both
passive aggressive means to an end
realize these actions, for unfair results will append

appending a judgement to an innocent act
can easily sway others away from the fact
that inside the heart, truth will remain
immune from the actions of others trying to stain

to stain the character of another is a crime in itself
who are we to judge another’s innermost wealth?
may we learn and discern what is best for ourselves
and honour the rights of those wanting help

injustice can be overcome by allowing all to be heard
communicating in their way, their hope will be spurred
spurred on to believing their perspective is received
and their very intention is what is to be believed

gagi        10/26/15

A Lesson of Great Beauty

A Lesson of Great Beauty

a lesson of great beauty was shared this oneness day
offered to a discussion about what’s keeping peace at bay
a suggestion was shared that the reason is exclusion
and small pockets of peace is a sort of illusion

to become a peaceful planet it will require inclusion
an understanding that all of us are part of the whole
and a picture was painted on how to achieve this
here is the model that all can implement as a goal

when a group or a sector gather together
setting parameters or boundaries around what they’ve believed
they purposely or automatically exclude some others
and even wanting peace, this will not be achieved

those who are excluded yet wanting to participate
have a way to do so by a much more effective means
seeing that they sit outside of that circle
they can encircle or ensphere it with a much larger memes

this is the way of inclusion
it is the solution
the way to peace
the way we can be

let us model it now
and start with our families
let us reach out to friends
with an intention that mends

let us take down the fences
the walls that divide us
let us share our divisions
those thoughts that divide

let us celebrate differences
and honour uniqueness
let us share from our hearts
this is how to survive

and let us revive
that dream of the future
peace on earth
and add
thru goodwill to all   

gagi     10/25/15



Vicky, victorious, the victory thru time
passages encountered as if read line by line
simplify the landscape so the future can be seen
then choose the route to victory from where you have been

everyone has a Vicky, the soothsayer’s name
always there, accessible to help reframe your game
the oracle, the seer, the one who knows you well
you must ask the questions and wait for her to tell

sometimes the answers will play out thru your day
sometimes in dreamtime she will show you the way
passages of lifetimes connected to the all
management relying upon the next moves you call

gagi         10/23/15