
once in the flow
we have nowhere to go
but to be carried onward
like the tubular force
once immersed in or filled
it is released of its fluids
and they flow unabated
from an infinite source
of information and love
the flow courses thru time
siphonage of the divine
all awaited
as the new is created
gagi     07/08/22

Particles of Time

Particles of Time
held in the infinite
specks of the divine
pulsing together
are particles of time
there as reference points
navigational markers
tracing the journeys
of each soul journey embarker
fragments of memory
influencing our choices
sung from the heavens
as the angelic voices
gagi     07/08/22

Astral Sound

Astral Sound
the stillness, the quiet
the state of newly awake
now listen, listen deeply to
the surround-sound
that the astral does make
don’t name it or try to tame it
it simply exists
focus on the resonance
and how it persists
the waves and the raindrops
the winds and the birds
sounds so much nearer
than the astral that’s heard
listen, listen – listen and observe
gagi     07/07/22