The Wow Factor

The Wow Factor
swept away with the flow
carrying us into the infinite
we surrender to the surge
and no longer have the urge
to be in control
a simple want or a question
or a curious reflection
can bring in the answers
to the passionate dancers
of the New
what we used to call miracles
are now simply vehicles
constantly delivering the pieces
aware synchronicity  increases
living in awe of the wow factor
gagi     07/06/22

Spinal Alignment

Spinal Alignment
from pre-birth and beyond
our vertebrae are formed
and to keep our alignment
becomes life’s assignment
flexibility, movement
seeking improvement
subtle and strong
staying supported and long
bendable, dependable
carrying us thru
aware of our positioning
in all that we do
gagi     07/06/22

Inward Found

Inward Found
this journey of discovery
is all about recovery
of that which has been forgotten
as we practice seeking within
we become aware and begin
to remember our source
and what a force
the power from Source
and the joy of discovery
gagi     07/06/22