Captured Intelligence

Captured Intelligence

captured and captivated
by the universal intelligence
streaming, live-streaming
ripe with its relevance

gifting our own
birthed from our journeys
creation’s maturing
together we’re learning

gagi     07/02/23

To Nurture

To Nurture

a seed encapsulates
a design for becoming
its full potential
a presence that’s stunning

to be planted with care
to nurture to grow
into the creation
we are wanting to know

gagi     07/01/23

The Seed – The Chalice of Love

The Seed – The Chalice of Love

we are designing the seed
the seed of the evermore
we are gathered to contribute and blend the gems
for the future, the present and for the before
the seed holds the imprints
and the ability to expand
bringing in new concepts
as they are planned
the seed is robust and coated to allow
the penetration of love
and that which we avow
will create and expand
and gift to our world
the ability to grow
to mature
to expand
as we exercise
our capabilities
and Creator’s command
to co-create the new
the beautiful new
with each breath
each heart beat
with our awareness
our intentions
and pure love
blessed be
to be happy
and forever free

gagi     07/01/23