Blossoms of Eternity

Blossoms of Eternity

mother, father
sister, brother
childhood friend
when their life’s near the end
we are called to be there once again

a time of reflection
happy memories, shared lifetimes
often gaps in our timelines
though always the connection
to the same vine

its the back to our roots time
love exposed, intertwined
strengthened by our common roots
we once again reveal our truths
or simply be together
having grown

let us shed the leaves of our sorrow
they will fuel a fertile morrow
let us celebrate their soul’s journey
honour who they have been and will be
for as their spirit lives on
and can be called upon
to enter as a presence
both sacred and free
their presence a comfort
to you and to me
and an aspect of the we
we have consciously become

a lifetime is thus carried on
to be contained in our song
and for as long as we can sing
what joy it will bring
these blossoms of eternity
blessed, blessed be

gagi      03/25/19

Getting Past Empty

Getting Past Empty

getting past empty
when nothing is left
what is it awaiting
there past the sift

we sifted, let go
of all but the gems
and then it was time
to even let go of them

and now there is emptiness
the fullness of space
the awesome, an interlude
held by thy grace

a magical illusion
or is it the truth
we honour this emptiness
for it yields the proof

all there is
is love

gagi      03/23/19

Who Would Have?

Who Would Have?

who would have thunk it?
he whispered to me
how life can happen
that we can’t foresee

our soul journey remembers
when we are complete
and we’re tapped on the shoulder
when we’ve found what we seek

from one life to another
we fade and we merge
weaving our love
so that all may converge

converging to celebrate
what we have achieved
becoming pure love
because we have believed

gagi      03/18/19