Clearing the Channels

Clearing the Channels

clearing the channels
for to receive
removing the filters
to truly perceive

quantum realities
beckon us on
inwardly tuned in
becomes our new song

precious the awareness
of all that becomes
guided by alchemists
who add up the sums

the sums of our inputs
our feelings, our thoughts
characterized building blocks
for a future that’s sought

gagi      11/23/14

Ready to Receive

Ready to Receive
it is time to be ready
ready to receive
by creating an emptiness
by having the old leave
thru silence and stillness
and a desire to be
a life form of service
intrinsic and free
copying is over
our uniqueness is called
blending our qualities
and skill sets evolved
as we build the structure
woven and strong
we’ll be ready to receive
what wants to belong
gagi    11/22/14


Capacity to Change

Capacity to Change
so many human abilities
let us focus on one
the ability to change
what we do or have done
the capacity to change
still remains unrecognized
a capacity untapped
for a future revised
why do we not own it
our capacity to change?
surely there are no blockages
it really does seem strange
we know we’re at the tipping point
a delicate balance held
the science and prophecies tell us
its time for wisdom and gifts to meld
our capacity to change
is our ticket to secure the future
a world of peace and harmony
found by becoming a rerouter
a different path, a different choice
abandoning old patterns…
curious to see the consequences?
change then watch what happens

gagi      11/19/14