Justice and Beliefs

Justice and Beliefs

has the impact of landing here and now
into a place of such abundance or lack of
affected your sense of balance?
is this fair and reasonable?

inner balance is so related to
the points of reference that we hold
these points are no longer valid
i am finding this too

the only constant that i find has merit
is love, deep love, radiant heart
and generosity of what we have called time
but is really presence

i am aware my vocal meanderings
exploring my very real concerns
for family, friends, community and beyond
may seem insensitive to your pain
i am sorry for this

you may simply want quiet
quiet now to recalibrate
often we are so excited to share
a new adventure, an opportunity
we don’t feel our impact
on others

let us face each day with simple grace
in service to The Greatest Love of All
let us be gentle with ourselves and each other

i love you dear friend and want to help mend
the pain, the cause of your suffering right now

i want to step into the infinite New
with you and others
with no fear, no expectations
with a sense of joy held
with deep and unshakeable inner peace
and so much gratitude
for All That Is

blessed be
from that place of free
free to be
unique aspects of and and always becoming
the next infinite sum that is experienced by
and as our Creator

gagi     11/04/20

A Current State of Affairs

A Current State of Affairs

Mesmerized by the volume of messaging about…illness, politics, a global walk-about. The current taking over, taking over from the past. Sigh – a relief. Copious entanglement of values in arrears. Make-shift solutionaires rising now to speak. Solutions prefabricated wasted on our ears. A plentitude, great plentitude of answers to our needs. Only by slowing down, listening, will we be able then to hear.

Generosity, compassion is rising in our midst. Cooperation, sharing is now bridging the chasm. A glorious peace time is birthing the New. There is little if anything that we need now to do…just to tune in and be that which the heart directs. Caring and honouring lest any one forgets. The fading past allowing the space that now begets. The New we are creating with our love and cherished gifts. High vibrational attraction piecing as we meet to construct our dreams. All based on agreements and altruistic themes. Excitement is building as we start to see what now can be. Blessings, a freshness, we now emerge as free.

gagi     05/18/20

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

You are invited to participate
and in your language articulate
the meaning of life…

The pleasure is ours
A significant question…

On Earth, you take so much for granted. The joy of a new birth. The sheltering. The nourishment. And on it goes. This is the life cycle of all in your biosphere. Every chipmunk. Every dog. Every tree. All life you see. Cycling on. So many are intent on getting ahead. Accumulating material wealth. Competing for the best. And what of the rest? Quagmired in eternal poverty, be it location, societal pressures, health – many, many have not a chance for survival. Survival. Now the question…the meaning of life. Do not humans consider themselves to be at the peak of the animal kingdom? And are they not ignoring the very basics of survival? Survival of a species. One species cannot survive if it has upset the balance of inter-relationships of the many. The meaning of life is all about opportunity. Life is the opportunity to grow, to adapt, to learn, to support other life. Opportunity to procreate, to co-create, to orchestrate the beauty of life, of love. An opportunity to harmonize with all. Blessed be.

How do YOU define the meaning of life?

gagi      10/29/19