Nothing To Do with Love

Nothing To Do with Love

what was that presence?
what wants to speak?
what causes the no sleep?
what makes us want to weep?

that feeling of overwhelm
that to-do list we keep
endless projects unfinished
oh what the bleep!

the questions were asked
the answer was swift
“it has nothing to do with love”
so it’s no time to take the fifth

we may then each answer
not blaming ourselves
for the emotions we feel
must be explored as one delves

delving into our time spent
each day and each night
habits? distractions? have-to-dos?
mind made-up stories addressing our plight?

now ask the question
are we keeping life’s purpose in sight?

we are here on our soul journeys
what did we want to learn?
this is a new opportunity
we can co-create all for which we yearn

sharing perspectives
dreaming the dream
listening thru the heart
creaming the cream

sitting in circle
ensphering the all
it IS all about love
when we answer the call

gagi     02/26/20

To Stand Alone

To Stand Alone

to stand alone in reflection
exposed to each direction
feeling the centre
our heart as our mentor

the stillness within
gives strength to begin
a new passage of time
exalting the divine

to be as we can
the illuminated Hu-Man
beloved and free
let us co-join as the We
and simply Be

be Love

gagi     02/15/20

Creative Gateways

Creative Gateways

the creative gateways are open
resplendent in their beckoning
even the movement towards them
brings us to a time of reckoning

solutions are thru that gateway
they exist in simplicity and complexity
partially owned, partially loaned
redefined and known as simplexity

the courage to move
the desire to prove
we are capable agents of creation

called now to design
to bring together, refine
the elements, systems of relation

relation to the source
relation to the course
existence in all dimensions

finding the key
unlocking the door
opening to
the uniglobe new
and refreshing to a start of resurgence

creative gateways exist
emerging thru the myst
inviting our gifts of remembrance

accumulating the strength
of participatory length
aligned in a non-linear expansion

radiant rays
multidisciplinary ways
of expressing into co-creations

rally and be
the adventurous free
becoming the power of we

let us be

gagi     02/06/20