

symbiosis may best describe harmony
where each benefits the other
competition released, need for recognition deceased
the outcome is the primary focus

a common passion to create
to combine genius to orchestrate
an outcome that will benefit all
symbiosis strengthens the call

to know one’s own gifts
and honour another’s
prevents having rifts
and also uncovers
the gold

the golden rule, the golden mean
the golden ratio, the golden team
in all that we dream of and all that we want
the gold is central, the default font

to write our history and see where we’ve been
one can see the benefits of the golden mean
balance and harmony, achieved by knowing
who we are and what we are growing

symbiosis is a natural part
of growing together from the start
evolving, creating the new from the old
refer once more to the teachings of gold

and the growing together in a symbiotic way
brings the word synergy into play
where the creation of the whole is greater than
the sum of the parts, the destiny of man

let communication be the key
to knowing each other and who we be
encouragement, discernment, excitement at play
may symbiosis become the way

gagi      03/05/16

The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving

let us study the art of giving as a new way of living
and play it forward
let us bring to our neighbour something to savour
gifted not borrowed

the art of giving is sparked in the heart
an awareness of suffering, a desire to uplift
taking action to help others
or giving an anonymous gift
celebrating a life

can we mindfully live with the desire to give
and seek the opportunities daily?
can we share our abundance, our wealth of knowledge?
what we’ve acquired of value from this lifetime’s college?

a lending hand, an ear to listen
can we organize a drive for someone deprived
of the necessities of life
and what are they?

water, food, shelter and clothing are often quoted
love and friendship, peace and respect have been promoted
we can see the needs, the opportunities to give
to give of ourselves so others may live
cherished and cared for

let us seek within and expose our whole being to the art of giving
let us seek to become artists in the form
of generosity born
and give

gagi       03/04/16



mobilize the directorate of all that will become
shaping the future from the sum of the sum of the sum
matching and pairing the ones who are the twins
wholeness and balance is where newness begins

majority not conformity weights decisions made
changes come to the offing where attention is paid
specialty endeavours will help to tip the scales
creating such magnificence that all the past soon pales

why now the importance of stepping to the plate?
sleep and rest and quietude has helped us all equate
change is in the offing and the opportunity is now
gather the equiforces for we are all at the bow

gagi      03/03/16