Flames But No Embers

Flames But No Embers

Quantum alignment enters the field. We are not responsible for this emergence as it is pre-determined infinitely. Spacial awareness (that term again), enables all participating to define their position in relation to others. All hold points on the perimeter of what has been and enable the expansion as it is readied. There is constant movement and yet the position points remain steady. The distance between the points expands and the connective tension redefines the speed of communication and the importance of dedicated participation.

Eons in time frequent the journals of readiness. This is an expression of benevolent continuation. Quagmires dissolved as the refinement evolves. Copious deliveries of creative indulgences designed to be the betterment of pre-existing expressions. Fanfare energizes the process as the medium encourages collaborative design. The matrix of time ensconced in the determination of outcome. And the journey continues.

Quantum bifurcation is a trilogy. Above, within, below. In front, within, behind. Beside, within, other side. Within, within, within. Casual observation of this does not divide, it sees the relationship.

We as the singular defines our coherence. We as the plural invites in our uniqueness. As practitioners of emergence, enhancing, growing the love and the beauty – let us once again celebrate our chosen sacred duty and blessed be.

gagi      18/08/18

Responsibility and Deliverance

Responsibility and Deliverance

we are all responsible
for the world we have created
and without a conductor
what have we orchestrated?

whether playing a solo
or influenced by our sections
the music we play
has fractional dimensions

and to the one who is listening
it doesn’t make sense
there is little harmony
and the energy is dense

to bring in the awareness
there is a conductor
and if we acknowledged her
she could be our instructor

the Earth we live upon
known as Gaia to many
is our common ground
and the land of plenty

she is a living being
and has her own vibration
she is the conductor of life
central to our lives’ creation

time to listen
and honour what we’ve ignored
and the bringing into balance
will be the end reward

to achieve now peace and harmony
to honour the diversity of life
we must now come together
not as past destructors who caused strife

this is the opportunity
to witness and listen in
our conductor has the experience
let the harmonizing now begin

gagi       12/04/18

inspired by the AVAAZ 12/03/18 campaign to support the opportunity to protect our climate at the UN summit next week in Poland. “The world’s leading climate scientists just warned we have only 12 years left to avoid climate catastrophe — 12 years!! “



waiting, waiting
waiting to be heard
waiting, waiting
waiting to be seen

waiting in the wings
to be invited into the play
holding the vision
so to empower to come what may

gagi      12/03/18