The Gift

The Gift

all obstacles removed
sense of time now a focus
a determination to share
how deeply we care

the gift of expression
to speak our love and receive
hearts bearing the truth
that it is love that we be

a heart that can ache
yet burst with joy in remembrance
a journey beautifully shared
now being prepared for transcendence

the heart bonds that we’ve built
will never dissolve
an infinite connection, expansion
as we continue to evolve

gifting the legacy of love

gagi       02/20/19



love evol
love the mirror of evolution
love the ultimate solution
to all that is

gagi      02/14/19

note auto correct changed evol to evil…a hint to our misconception
mirroring does not mean opposites…to love is to evolve



two very different perceptions
distance vision
near vision
different focal lengths
different timelines

what we see and can define
has been the way of these times
yet it is only a fraction of all that is

what is near, can be touched
or witnessed as such
is a physical representation of beauty

this vision we call seeing
is tied to our believing
and influences all that we do

a different perception
leads to a question
what’s in the distance that we cannot see?

this distance is immeasurable
this understanding is treasurable
for it takes us to the journey within

to focus within 
and clear all held perceptions
frees our minds from comparing 
and making up questions

we are then free to receive from the quantum reality
and to understand the multi-dimensional actuality
experiencing a full spectrum of diverse perceptions
combined with our near vision we answer the question

what we cannot see does not mean it cannot be
by travelling within we access the new
and with a bifocal lens we bring in what transcends
activating our evolutionary artistry
designing the new with a collaborative crew
creation with bifocal causation

gagi      02/14/19