The Infinite Road

The Infinite Road

travel the infinite road to within
let go of the outer, what’s beyond our skin
the outer we think is so expansively huge
does not compare to the inner refuge

the refuge we retreat to in stillness and silence
there where we seek to find comfort and balance
at some point we realize that this is our journey
an endless road – there is no “adjourn me”

each soul has a journey thru many lifetimes
and we are here to focus on the present
experiencing this within our personal timeline
we will understand what our journey has meant

we are here to infill the gaps in expression
of the love and of a presence divine
for what we are seeking, opportunities present
and how we respond is going to define

another measure of complexity
an intent to complete
our journey to expressing the love that we be
thereby paving the inner road
our pathway to the infinite

gagi      02/12/19

In Times of Overwhelm

In Times of Overwhelm

in times of overwhelm
it feels like being an ocean wave
building, building, then cresting
and crashing down, collapsing
onto a shore
spreading out, smoothly embracing
coating the beach with a glistening mirror
complications released
and then a gentle retreat
back into the ocean
the ocean of infinite love

gagi      02/07/19

Competition and the Hummingbird

Competition and the Hummingbird

an observation merges out of the past
Hummingbird is teacher and we are the class
the lesson’s on competition or perhaps it is greed
an observation to share – the Hummingbird’s Creed

energy fields and the environment we’re in
can engulf our whole presence affecting our spin
observe the hummingbirds around hurry and lack
they compete for their food and others they attack

now observe in a setting of peace and of sharing
they calmly take turns and there is no comparing
abundance is shared and beauty observed
peaceful and joyful – has it ever occurred …

to share our abundance with joy and with love
an unhurried practice with all being part of
an intention to bring into balance, looking after the all
a lesson to tune into – the Hummingbird’s call

gagi      02/04/19