A Poem of Great Beauty
beauty defined is unlimited
expansion of perception unaquitted
peaceful going to
sitting interlude
sallying forth to the brink
spaces under the sink
and then
waters of the formula
pieces of the storm hula
of separation
other sides of an equation
scrambled in another way
choosing to simply not say
when there is no other way
going inward to stay
having to see – truly see
wanting more for you and me
giving of the love immersed
holding on so not submersed
the chaos flows around and yet
one floats along as if to get
an easy ride, an easy berth
going to that place of worth
spelling out and drawing too
more and more as others do
the spaces fill with all consumed
the perfume of the flowers bloomed
ranting now and raving too
the whole of it has become true
experienced from in and out
now to know what its about
flipped around and seen again
oh to describe it with this pen
beauty to the seer is
only part of what there is
all eyes combined can truly see
the one eye of Creator be
gagi 02/19/14
*unaquitted defined as: not to conduct (oneself) in a specified manner