Our Work

Our Work
an endless night
totally without sleep
what is keeping me awake
so very, very late?
what is wanting to speak?
so much we are clearing
a re-visiting of the past
for some it is nightmares
for some the obsolete has crashed
 perhaps it’s a wanting?
no longer a need
for we are always looked after
but in order to proceed
avoiding possible disaster
what is missing?
the questions always help
this is no exception
a full vision arrives and is given
a welcoming reception
there is beauty in this
once clarity is reached
we can pay attention to a want
then a curious thing
the want is taken out of the past
and soon is fulfilled
an arrival to filling the gap
and is there to be cast
into the future
as we flow into the new
good night
gagi      11/07/22 & 11/08/22

Water Aware

Water Aware
tip to toe
sole to crown
side to side
front to back
inside to outer periphery
being totally aware and loving
every cell in our bodies
these minute reservoirs of water
now speak to the Earth
with her massive reservoirs of water
and deliver our love
to what we’re made of
what sustains us and maintains us
in this journey of life
let us bless the water
living aware
enabling the water to repair
all damage done
re-creation is spun
we have already won
as we live as one
gagi     11/06/22

Positioning the Sacred

Positioning the Sacred
we have acknowledged the re-turn of the sacred feminine
accompanied by the re-turn of the balanced masculine
what this all means we are starting to explore
and many have now stepped in thru that door
to fully embody the essence of the now
we are also being shown what this relationship can endow
we can re-visit the portal, the portal of love
and experience the flow from below to above
the sacred stones marking the sphere’s own equator
also mark the 12 viewpoints of that central demonstrator
demonstrating to us each view of the upright central stone
marking the awareness of the flow from the unknown
if we are paired and choose to walk the perimeter
who will lead in, the male or female polarimeter?
to know who will lead and who will be the willing follower
requires the maturing of an equalizing thermometer
there are times when the female still welcomes male leadership
with their strength, their focus they respond with their readership
the female brings balance, the ability to hold a position
as the male moves on to face from the opposite side
together they hold the expansive domain and abide
yes abide with thee
the sphere of opportunity
the place of impunity
the portal of love
and the creation thereof
of a loving humanity
gagi     11/05/22