Short and Sweet

Short and Sweet
simply short and sweet
let us be love
being in the flow
from the Earth to Above
let us now greet
this beautiful new day
with our energy
of Love
gagi    10/28/22

Game of Survival

Game of Survival
a game of survival
sometimes called the game of life
let’s not say there are rules
as old rules are obsolete
let us identify strategies
and play
number one, yes this is it
have fun
gather a few to play
choose a target
something seemingly impossible is best
let our creative juices flow
and before you know
new solutions will alter the
future outcomes
number two
sit in circle
leadership can rotate
change with each game
the experiences gifted
will show us who to name
number three
no more judgement
to be free to create
opinions are checked at the door
let us be child-like
and free to explore
we have our connections
let us begin this today
open to guidance from practices
as we practice, meditate and pray
welcoming in all to
this game we now play
tag! you’re it!
gagi   10/27/22


twelve zodiac signs
and of the Chinese zodiac too
twelve months of the year
12 hours of day, 12 hours of night
12 Apostles
twelve segments of the co-creation wheel
what would have happened if we’d all had 12 fingers and toes?
would a new way of counting not have been imposed?
what might be the twelve aspects
aspects of ourselves?
feel into this journey
feel into our clock
time has been ticking
it is time to unlock
the mysteries of life
our very existence
gagi     10/24/22