Permission to Do Nothing

Permission to Do Nothing
a child once said “i’m bored!”
a complaint and i played with him
oh, you are so lucky!
how wonderful!
nothing to do!
wow! i wonder what that feels like!
with a curiousity
and yes a remembrance
feeling into how we can achieve
that pure sense of nothingness
do we have to have permission?
do we need permission to simply stop
to let go of our patterns, our routines?
can we find that quiet place, that solitude
and simply be, free from thought
and responsibility?
to quiet the mind
we find tranquility
to stop the doing
we find peace
in the space of nothingness
we return
we return to the womb
of creation
gagi     09/30/22

Symptoms of Exhaustion

Symptoms of Exhaustion
pleasantly relaxed or wired to do
when we are exhausted
there are other symptoms too
again it is awareness
what are our habits?
do we become quiet and still
or does what’s not quite right
upswell until …
we can go into overwhelm
of all that’s not been done
and how we express this
depends on awareness
chronic exhaustion
may need medical attention
or it can be a symptom
of these times of ascension
humanity as a whole
is awakening quickly
with full consciousness as a goal
exhaustion does not mean we’re sickly
the remedies it seems
are to go into deep meditation
seeking to empty out
before any contemplation
then to step into nature
the world where we belong
our exhaustion can evaporate into oneness
as we join a bird’s song
gagi     09/03/22

Joyful Meanderings

Joyful Meanderings
the road to happiness
can be reflected from within
stop-offs of joyfulness
permanently marked
by that smile of remembrance
of where we’d stopped off and parked
gagi     07/21/22