Remain Childlike

Remain Childlike

remain childlike and the answer becomes
the source found going inwards
from where beginnings become

the answer is simple so let it emerge
and a child’s smile comes with it
triumphant it’s words

just do it
just be it
no rules for me
play with the options
be curious and see
what can we create
there’s no diminishing time
go for the very best
each a limitless paradigm

gagi        10/07/15

Rally for the Children

Rally for the Children

each generation has dreamt dreams for their children
each has held hope and love in their hearts
now we can care for all the world’s children
let us rally for the children, each doing our parts

for the parts of the world with accumulated abundance
it’s a wonder the Earth doesn’t tilt on her axis
for the first time ever we have access to all on this planet
we are interconnected and observers to all

may we all respond to the cry of a child
may we pick her up and carry her forth
it takes a community to raise our children
it takes connected hearts for humanity to morph

feeling into our passion, let us rally for the children
let us hear their deepest desires untold
let us give them access to the teachings of others
let us free them from where poverty has a hold

we can change this world by caring for others
the future of life we hold in our hands
gather together and reach out to the children
gather them in to our hearts and begin

gagi   09/18/15

For the Children Everywhere

For the Children Everywhere

we are responsible for the children everywhere
they are ours to protect and look after
children are our gifts to the future
precious commodities to value and nurture

commodities not to be bought and sold, unspeakable
but of such value as to be immeasurable
the children know the truth and can see it
we must honour their sight and be it

honour the way the children want us to be
ever present and engaged with them
sharing our stories and giving opportunities
opportunities to be all that they are

let us not live thru our children for all we are not
let our children live their own lives supported
let us collaborate to support each child
supporting the children in their becoming

the art of becoming savours freedom
freedom of expression, freedom of creativity
and the art of becoming flourishes with togetherness
much sharing of perspectives to build the new

building the new, who knew this would be
this would be our children’s playground
let us make this playground safe, accessible to all children
a playground spacious, seeded for their imaginations

the imaginations of the blossoming children
so capable of seeing the solutions to the world that is
so eager to inoculate the world with their love and hope
“it is easy”, they will say, for that is how their minds work

for the children everywhere
we give our love
for the children everywhere
we give our time
for the children everywhere
we honour you
blessed be our future, combined

gagi     09/06/15