Divine Presence

Divine Presence

when the divine presence is felt
it is immeasurable
subtle or all consuming
we recognize we are home

the divine presence knows no separation
it cannot be named feminine or masculine
for it is all that is, has been and ever will be
it is love

to feel the divine presence
we dissolve into nothingness
and as the conscious observer
and an aspect of the divine
we merge into wholeness

filling up, fuelling up for our journeys
we return to the physical never to be the same
for we learn the divine is always present
and we yearn for the comfort of belonging
once we have been held
we let all meld

let all meld
from our experiential journeys
we observe and define
witness and align
with what attracts us

from a place of gratitude for our very lives
and a desire to serve
we activate a common nerve
that runs thru all hearts

an interconnected circuitry
switch turned on
the powerhouse of the divine
the field of the altruistic
the meaning of life
lit up once activated

blessed by the abundance and beauty of life
we cannot be confined by the past
the past does not last
we are free to evolve our love
expand and unite
bringing our gifts, aspects of the divine
to co-create a new world
not a new way
for the Way has always been
the ultimate expression of Love

let us be love
let us grow the love and empower creation
the creation of what is beyond our present field of vision
let us take the leap of faith into the unknown
and together cherish and give thanks
for the divine presence
and the field of awareness
portal to the new

gagi      06/04/18

The Crèche that Receives

The Crèche that Receives

blessed are those who respond to the call
preparing the welcoming to the arriving role calls
a safe place, a harbour to nurture and protect
understanding the importance
as we integrate and respect

cherishing the oneness as we learn to align
to the sacred expressions of the arriving divine
arriving into consciousness, maturing, alert
into the crèche that receives so that all may assert

asserting their passion to become who they are
blazing, empowerful, from the infinite mar
capable of unravelling all that is out of coherence
designing new systems from allowing/non-interference

holding the space for these self-organizing systems
enhancing their creation thru heart-based inner dictums
gentleness, kindness consecrating the space
the crèche is receiving the new human race

gagi   02/20/18

God is Love

God is Love

God is Love
God IS Love
and yet we are constantly trying to define
“what is love?”
Julien* herself explores this beautifully
and feels the emergence of the divine

to know God is within and God is without
is the essence of knowing what love is about
observing the beauty of nature around us
stirring the feelings within that resound us

where is this going?
to more so much more…

to Iona

from the precipice we learn
what can we discern?
are we within it?
can we climb out?
or are we on the edge?
can we traverse it?
is there fear or a doubt?

to a child a precipice is quite another thing
an adventure ensuing, imagine it, bring
bring in the creative options
what is most fun? what beauty to explore!
what playful companions do sing?

we came to experience
all points of view
the challenges gifted
enabled us to

now return once again
to the knowing God is Love
can we not love this adventure
as we climb to above
or jump, leap across the gap
from this point to the next
trusting God’s presence
experiencing the text
of Julien’s writings
her wisdom, her gift
of sharing the essence
so we don’t go adrift
in the ocean of love
from whence we did come
knowing and feeling this
we have begun
to acknowledge the existence
of Love as the all
to answer our passion
to be Love and call
call out our gladness
our enormous relief
to know God is Love
to confirm our belief
sanctify the teachings
of Julien and her throng
of seekers, fellow journeyers
for we know we all belong
to the very same ocean
the ocean of Love
we are made of it
we’re part of it
witnessed not from above
but from everywhere, from within
submerged, immersed, surrounded

yes we are Love

gagi   09/01/14

(referring to Julien of Norwich)