People of Israel
people of Israel wake up your hearts
your government is leading, yet you are responsible
for every life taken is one you have forsaken
each child, each mother, each grandparent gone
some other is crying, totally forlorn
a loss of such beauty that has been torn
out of the holy lands that you have forsaken
you are responsible for each life that is taken
the Earth is our Mother
the land to be shared
no one owns the privilege
and yet you have dared
to say you are more important
than others who have lived
we pray that those suffering will somehow forgive
and that you will bring peace to the land of the holy
where peace was the treasure and was measured solely
by how we cared for life, precious life
and how we were love and were loved
let us pray
and not waste an hour, a day
there is no room for revenge
the most powerful weapon in war
goes right to the core
it is love
love cannot be destroyed
and love cannot destroy life
it destroys hate
it replaces fear
let us rejoice in a season that’s near
and together usher in
Peace on Earth
gagi 12/09/23