The New Currency

The New Currency

dollars and cents really don’t make sense
what is their history?
a basic exchange, a way to rearrange

an expression of gratitude
a measure of value
an offer to help
a sharing of abundance

whole economies and global mistrust
have evolved from a manipulation
of currencies, investments, lending
and borrowing – a created illusion

what is the solution?
let’s try inclusion
from a place of no ego
and no owing

the currency of love
what if our focus was on giving not receiving?
what if we totally investigated our believing
that money matters?

does not our true joy
come from loving kindness?
can a sharing economy be created
from generosity dissolving our blindness
acknowledging the suffering of others
celebrating the gifts we can share
educating, elevating others
to a place of simple comfort
simple sustainable co-existence
on this beautiful planet of co-habitation

can we live from a place of “no rules for me”
simply doing our work as
an expression of gratitude
a measure of value
an offer to help
a sharing of abundance?

a life long investment
in the circling spiral
of life
and of love

this is and always has been
our primary currency
all other currencies and exchanges
can be subsets of the above
if they simply fit

gagi      12/18/18