White Eagle is Present
g White Eagle – welcome to my waking time
WE i have flown in from a continuous time
g i recognize the sound when you are present
WE a signature that is recognized by those wanting to converse
g thank you – may we share some verse?
WE you are expanding from the time you have known
you are slowly adapting into what you have grown
there are times of exhaustion – of overwhelm too
but you are accepting by learning and by not having to do
g this is so true – a difficult lesson but it is now my default to go to
as soon as there is a feeling of too much to do
there is a remembrance – we are not in charge of the timing of things
and so surrender into allowing all that must first come into alignment
WE every role is important as part of the whole
humanity is so near now to reaching their goal
awakening their hearts in service to creation
working together and strengthening their relation
to love
g can we do anything more to help others to know
we are all responsible for the future we grow
our gift to the children and to Earth as our mother
what areas of awareness can you help us uncover?
WE cherish the newness in every day that you live
and your sharing in the physical is the gift you can give
the love and the light that radiates from within
opens others hearts and from there they will begin
to question their own purpose and how they can engage
aligning with others in this transformational stage
participating in the creation of your new world
gagi 03/21/23