Word Games
let us play a word game
to emphasize the differences
some that create blockages
some that lead to new doorways
loving vs fearing
congratulating vs finding faults
having fun ! vs boredom
questioning to understand vs holding personal views
recognizing contributions vs mocking the other
being responsible vs blaming
listening. vs interrupting
speaking from the heart vs. swearing, sensationalizing
sharing visions of potential vs sharing stories of negativity
use of the word and vs use of the word but
speaking up vs ignoring opportunity
laughter, engagement vs dormant, not participating
patience vs impatience
energetic, passionate vs low energy & emotion
to accept vs judging
inclusion of all vs separation
and the list goes on
even to the more obvious ones
calm vs anger
simple truth vs fudging
as we become more aware
and witness these energies
we are fine-tuning our fields
to resonate with our dreams
the potential that beckons
requires a rise in our frequencies
the key to the gateways
to the world of beyond
beyond the greatest of dreams
gagi 11/20/22