Everything Will Come Into Being

Everything Will Come Into Being

everything will come into being
you will see
the concentric time waves
are aligning to be

precious are the time waves reaching your shore
rolling with a magnitude as never seen before
carrying in their energies the fractal reserve
indicating the desire to both create and to preserve

messaging encoded in the photon banded waves
spaces that envelop them are charged convex concaves
interloping magic in its newly balanced form
waiting for that shoreline to deliver what’s to be born

an energy of love so intense it almost burns
readying to fill the gaps for all that has been yearned
specifically designed to be the altruistic splash
anointing all receiving with a reconnoitred flash

jewel embedded qualities readying to be received
exotic in their complexities, past present in relief
magnitudes of communication in forms as yet unknown
ready now for truly, the winds of change have blown

gagi      02/20/15



the mansion on the hill
we have always had it in view
but to actually live there
is open to just a few

representative of achievement
there’s always a hill to climb
and how one chooses their path there
may be direct or by taking one’s time

an invitation to own it
is extended by the mansion herself
she offers a residence of opportunity
and a space to learn about wealth

for some the mansion may be that
a symbol of those with material wealth
but for this invitation extended
it’s about caring, sharing and health

the mansion’s a metaphor for a world view
it shows a way for humanity to live
by sharing our abundance with others
what of value do we have to give?

she offers a place to fill one’s coffers
filling her up with possessions galore
or she offers a place to discover
what many have found before

a home is a place of shelter
of beauty and comfort and warmth
and the central heating comes always
from the love in the hearts that is formth

love formed and warmed by her owners
the ones with the distant view
who appreciate the land and the mansion
and the opportunity for what they can do

a place to enhance the beauty
to welcome their family and friends
a harbour to shelter others
when they’re seeking a place to mend

and the mansion loves to gather
others with hearts so keen
to share their visions of a planet’s future
peaceful and balanced blue/green

the mansion’s favourite memories
will attract what is to be
the laughter of children playing
a garden that’s grown from seed

neighbours helping each other
animals a part of the team
wise ones teaching the seekers
quiet and peaceful scenes

graceful aging with opportunities for fitness
both for mansion and inhabitants too
an atmosphere that is stress free
a cooperative, harmonious mood

a blending of indoors and outdoors
healthy meals that are sourced from the land
water that’s enjoyed to swim in
projects that are excitedly planned

the mansion is beckoning others
and she will give the key
to the perfect inner companions
for how she wants to be

gagi   02/18/15

On the Brink of Destruction

On the Brink of Destruction
not what you thought when you read this title
a world in peril? fear for our planet?
no, don’t go there
there is a much more important message
we are on the brink of destruction all right
the destruction of all that is not right!
destruction of all that is out of integrity
a doing away with archaic practices
we are really becoming aware
we have access to so much more information
don’t wait until a loved one is affected
take action now to support those who are leading the way
we have all been affected
we are all connected
we are here to support each other
freedom comes when we know one another
be informed on what is happening to our climate
what are our renewable energy resources?
education, pollution, habitat and populations?
what can we do in our homes, our communities?
be joyful in knowing that the grass roots are growing
grass, the most abundant of plants
beautiful, diverse, useful
the grassroots are being fed naturally
water, air, earth connections
warmed by the natural energy of the sun
we can no longer take these things for granted
something has to be done
and it is
there are infinite ways of creating change
greening the land, refreshing air and water
creating beauty wherever we are
seeing the beauty wherever we are
being grateful for our very lives
and the opportunities thus gifted
sharing of our abundance with others
contributing to a sustainable way of existence
celebrating the changes that are evolving
being a part of what we are solving
destruction of the old ways that do not make sense
allowing for replacement by creating what does
taking responsibility for participation
yes, simply because

gagi      02/15/15