

Consider Earth as our anchor
as we travel the ocean of space
She holds us and anchors us
with her beauty and grace

Earth circles the Sun
Sun is spiralling too
On a journey thru universes
discovering the new

We can sometimes lift off
and travel elsewhere
Then we return back to Earth
into her loving care

If we travel somewhere
to the future and beyond
and really see the potential
of a new way and bond

We can return then  to Earth
into time and this space
and we can bring into form
putting what was seen, felt, in place


The Cyclometer

The Cyclometer

New science is showing
There will be more to our knowing
We’re being seeded…they’re sowing
New thoughts and ideas

This morning gave vision
A poem or writing decision?
And poetry won
So this poem’s begun

It is about the cyclometer
It is like a barometer
It seems to measure vibration
of our spoken eloquation

How we spoke a word
and by computer it was heard
Then an expansion occurred
and new data was lured
from the internet

I was also shown
how more info was grown
by using a type of pen
encircling a word and then
more info appeared
on the screen
It was weird

One more bit of info
and this is great inflow
How we pronounce a word
can affect how it’s heard
by the universe

Think of these words:
and how they’re pronounced

a constable sound plus
how we pronounce the letter “r”

Now what about “war”
We pronounce it like “wore”
If we change what we speak
The old word meaning will leak
right out of the word
The universe has heard
and we can assign a new meaning
like a peaceful reconvening

Let us make the change
and pronounce, rearrange
the meaning of war (“w”+ letter r)
so it is heard from afar
from every listening star

Let this be a war of words
and we will monitor what occurs
May we have a peaceful reconvening
for it is towards peace we are leaning
with love

gagi     10/31/13

The Chrysalis

The Chrysalis

This stage of creation
is not just on Earth
It is thru all universes
It’s a total rebirth

The fragments, the bits
The fractal eclipse
What held all together
Now dissolved, untethered

Each one knew itself
Its diversity was its wealth
Total uni-cycle now complete
Time to rest, take a seat

Enter into the pupal stage
The chrysalis or inactive page
A time of re-writing
Total design change, in-sighting

No more differentiation
All pigments, all cells of creation
Blending and available
A palate for the unfailable

A time of procreation
Intense focus and gestation
A quiet in this interlude
Preparing for a new multitude

Our consciousness suspended
Awareness of past being amended
Waiting, surrendered
Trusting, engendered

Knowing that all is well
No prophets can foretell
This is a new creative time
A result of total cycle design

We’re at that still point
Holding space, ready to anoint
All that emerges
Soon arriving
Arriving in surges

The waves of co-creation
will reach the shores of each nation
Each galaxy and universe
All able soon to converse

Stay in the silence
Listen to inner guidance
Creator’s compliance
Love incubating reliance
on All That Is

gagi     10/29/13