

flying above
viewing below
situations simmering
all seem aglow

differences heated
by lack of understanding
wanting to be right
often demanding

sometimes between two
but often much more
organizations, companies
even countries at war

it is time for each one
to sit down and feel
what can we do to
end suffering and heal

what can we birth
co-conceived by us all
a harmonious world
with no divisional wall

it is simple, so simple
as we’ll very soon discover
letting go of the past
and honouring each as our mother

a mother who birthed us
nurtured and taught
loved us unconditionally
gave what we sought

yes to different perspectives
the richness of diversity
now to honour our differences
and co-conceive a new nursery

a nursery full
of new ways to be
nurtured along
until all can be free
no more war
no more suffering
empowered to be
living in harmony
looking after all three
you, me and we

gagi      11/29/14


rise up, rise up
against the corrupt
women of the world
it is time to rise up
the power is in the people
and who can truly know
what initiates the poisons
and encourages them to grow
a small impassioned body
funded by a few
tried to create a world of fear and hate
to enhance their control that grew
and so the question posed today
to what extremes will it take to say:
what corruption, what pain
what atrocities, what seems insane…
we have access to what is happening
how can we rebirth from here?
remember your birth
the day you were born
opening your eyes
to your first bright lit morn
to be embraced there with love
to be welcomed with awe
to be received into a world
it was love that you saw
and did you witness or give birth
to a child so precious
a new beginning of hope –
the child a preface?
the birth of the new
we are in that time now
rise up all women
to give birth for we know how
release all the past
the trauma and suffering
go to silence and stillness
a space that is buffering
the old from the new
it’s the space of creation
a place calling for you
and your participation
pull the elements of creation
from the past and the now
let them join and gestate
while we nurture and allow
love and wisdom, a legacy
gifted from the past
held in our waters
so their coding would last
the presence of light
the love from the divine
is here, we’re receiving it
to embody it and shine
and the element of sound
a soft comforting lullaby
or words whispered with love
or sung out to the sky
we have access to all
great love and great beauty
let us birth the new together
called to being on duty
our assigned service it is
we signed up to be
bringers of the dawn
and a new future to feed

gagi      10/30/14 & 11/04/14

Let us make proper use of the word Isis,
goddess of love, health and beauty.



Peacock became a symbol
of splendour and strength
that spread throughout the world
thru its width and its length

a gift of the gods
representing them too
a colourful portrayal
for what they can do

let us explore deeply
how this image evolved
why was it chosen?
what puzzle was solved?

birds are often the symbol
of power and rarity
eagle, swan, hummingbird
also symbols without parity

yet the splendour and colour
of the peacock’s display
and feathers with eyes
what does it say?

so unique and so special
and cherished this bird
it travelled from India
to places unheard

and yet silent and unrecognized
there is one who is more
it is the peahen who delivers
the young to each door

it was not just the peacock
who was traded and kept
it was his mate, plain clothed,
disguised and adept

adept at giving birth
birth to the new
generations, inspirations
to more than a few

so let us not be fooled
by the colourful displays

what would happen now
if we appreciated the plain
the gentle, the quiet
often given no name

who nurtures and carries on
without fanfare or fame
heralding the rebirth?
yes, recognize we came
from the Mother whose love
cherishes all as the same

gagi     05/26/14