On the Way to The Infinite You
On the way to the infinite you
there’s a story to tell not fiction but true
Having started as such an ordinary being
the main character has grown out past the ceiling
And “past the ceiling” the view expanded
and the character knew Creator had planned it
Now the character could see All That Is everywhere
thru all dimensions potentiality squared
With these new eyes an awareness grew
there was no more limitation
to what one could do
An endless journey as the storyline
Multiple choices and ways to define
Creation at play Knowing the Way
***** *****
The Infinite You cannot be saturated
There is more to be known
To be explored Anticipated
A never ending story to tell
to the future’s grandchildren
’bout the … wishing well
gagi 10/04/13
This was written so as to be read column by column and or across the page as one poem. A new challenge …