Stop all that we are doing
All that we are thinking
and Be
for this is both our hope and opportunity
we must tune in to the vibrations of life
stop the busyness and feel
we are the conscious life that can make change
we have the ability to choose
we must listen to the symptoms
for ours is a planet in trouble
maybe not the planet herself
but the life residing here
let us talk about birth
tomorrow is always our re-birthday
fly home
there is a big reception waiting
so much love waiting to welcome us home
precious is the time we will be together
recognize each other
lovingly, wisely, simply, divinely
cherish what becomes of the future
we are becoming
becoming what we desire
feel it
know it
and commence
we are the builders
many still sleeping
we will return
with love
to awaken
gagi 09/03/15