The Persuasion of Water
detailed in its history
water reigns on
cycling thru its morphosis
seeking the dawn
impressed by the magnitude
of heaven on earth
nurturing and cleansing
preparing for rebirth
listen to the water
the crack of ice, impressive
the quiet as snow absorbs the sound
the rushing water that knows no bounds
the gentle rain
the hiss of steam
the splash of joy
the mermaid’s dream
all is contained
all remembered
in water
the place of potential
the role that is essential
for life on earth
let water show us the way
let water have its say
immerse ourselves
share water’s bounty
drink and share
with loving care
know we reside
and cannot hide
from our role to protect
and never neglect the life of water
may it be water
this living element
may it be water that persuades
that persuades humanity of the urgency
to respond to this, a global emergency
to create a focused
a focused resurgency
of balance and respect
for life on earth
a liquid rebirth
for all
gagi 05/31/20