Re: Memories
Memories are the journey
back into the past
The more often they’re visited
the longer they last
Good memories are a way
of re-living the cream
The best of experiences
Re-igniting a dream
And those that caused anguish
or disturbance of sorts
are often re-visited
like unfriendly ports
We re-live the emotions
that existed back then
and like unfinished business
they can haunt us again
We now have been shown
we can return with intent
and re-write the scripts
of what happened back then
With purpose and joy
we can re-write all the parts
and give a happy ending
that can be re-lived as starts
Starts to a new flow
and how all then is changed
From that point onward
relationships re-arranged
The beauty of re-scripting
is the power of love
Each character becomes understood
and each communicates with love
Differences are resolved
in the simplest of ways
and it is easy to re-visit
now the happiest of days
gagi 12/12/13