Thank You Again Great Spirit

Thank You Again Great Spirit

thank you Great Spirit
thank you for my life and for the opportunities granted
help me fully awaken my inner child
that she may guide me thru these challenging times

child-like, child’s play
full of wonder, intrigued
curiosity aligned with the evermore
on a journey of discovery
as never before

playful, seeking fun
energized as soon as the day’s begun
repetitive in all that is enjoyed
imagination fully deployed

wonderment at the littlest of things
pure pleasure in what discovery brings
no desire to be brought back to the old
listening from the heart to what she’s told

enlivened as she grows her heart’s expanse
inviting others to join in the dance
play to become all that can be
living and loving, totally free

gagi     03/24/20

Wake Up Residents of BC !

Wake Up Residents of BC !

It is time to realize that we are at a critical time in history and we are all responsible for the state of our communities, our province, country and planet. Together we can have a tremendous influence on our nation and become a role model for others by lifting our heads out of the sands of indifference and taking a serious look at where we are. By making conscious decisions at a personal level and in our communities, we can make rapid change towards balance, sustainability and freedom from many levels of suffering.

Let us consider how we can make conscious decisions as consumers, how we can think “outside the box”… question the old ways of doing things then collaborate to create new solutions. How can we share our abundance with others whether that be our skills or the “surplus” in our lives?

You are invited to play the BC game and then to put it into action. Live it!


the opportunity of our life times
is present today
now is the time
to have our say

let our voices be heard
let us activate our we
let us take leadership
and redefine bc

before catastrophe
become concerned
be committed
be confident

better communication
better communities

become childlike
be curious
be creative
be compassionate
be conscious

and the list goes on
this is our opportunity to lead
and never concede to
the unbalancing of our world

gagi       10/31/18



gram – grandmother
insta – instant/faery presence

call on our grandmothers
they will appear
loving and interested
in all that they hear

share of our worries
share of our dreams
gram is listening
gram’s on our team

peaceful coordinates
expiring soon
to be realigned
every change of the moon

the ebb and the flow
emotional waves
insta-gram captures, shows us
how each wave behaves

gagi   03/03/18