

no longer a thought form
that we can predict what is to be
we are all participating
with how we act and see

our qualities of love
of how we choose to be
are expanding the possibilities
of a glorious humanity

gagi     01/12/21

Resurrection 2

Resurrection 2

resurrect the peace
the gentleness, the love
return to the elements
the basics we’re made of

feel into being
into that new way of seeing
let all eyes behold
the beauty and the love

innocence beyond measure
is a quality to treasure
as our judgements and their stories cease
the wonders of this world increase
with the blossoming of the new

gagi     01/12/21

Destination Unknown

Destination Unknown

never assume that we know someone
for their presence in our lives is partial
a sharing of their substance
with all the strength that they could marshal

our lives are a journey
our destination unknown
through sharing with others
our passions are grown

specialists or masters
of who we choose to be
delightful protagonists
who set the antiquated free

gagi     01/02/21