Honouring Water
Never before in times of our modern history has there been a more critical time on Earth. Extremes in temperatures. Extremes in wind storms. Extremes in water levels caused by massive thunderstorms and hurricanes. Extremes in drought, causing water shortages, loss of crops, wild fires.
What is happening is for us to understand and to understand our role in the equation. A single tree, a blade of grass, a butterfly all have the same need – a need for water. We have the good fortune to live on an amazing planet. Planet Earth revolves around the Sun, our very own personal star. The Sun takes us on a journey through this galaxy and this universe. We travel at great speeds, aligning with other planets, other star systems, with the seen and the unseen. Always there is movement. Planets are largely self contained. The minerals are present here in specific ratios that have supported a great diversity of life forms. That ratio is being distorted. Even if other planets are also “heating up”, we know we have the means and the responsibility to take an active part here to maintain the balance. Yes, we have had an impact on the climate change and weather extremes and yes, we have forgotten how to deeply honour and connect to the elementals.
Indigenous peoples knew how to honour the seasons, honour the rains and natural cycles. They could read the changes and be prepared. They worked with the ability of the lands to provide their food, shelter and fuel. They worked at preserving this abundance by not over-harvesting and by being nomadic when necessary.
World populations are likely to again be forced into a massive migration to areas that can support life. As temperatures increase, so does the melting of land-based glaciers and ice shelves. Ocean levels are rising. Historically, most cities were founded along river banks and the shores of lakes and oceans that provided transportation for trade, exploration and relocation. It is political strife, intolerance and the imbalance between abundance and scarcity that have caused mass migrations in the past. Now we face a situation that will affect us all.
How can we prepare? We can prepare by honouring the water. No other planet has been observed to have the blessings of Water. Water is so unique – it defies nature by expanding when frozen, shrinking when heated – the opposite to other elements. Water holds energy and information. This has been recorded by photographing ice crystals that have been exposed to different types of music, different words and emotions. We can affect Water by our words and our thoughts. We can affect Water with our meditations and prayers. We can honour the waters of this planet by being conscious of Water’s great presence in our lives. Life, as we know it, cannot exist without the presence of Water. We are made mostly of Water. What we eat and drink is mostly Water. Plant and animal food sources all depend of the availability of Water. The beauty of trees, flowers; landscapes of fields, meadows, forests are all erased when the supply of Water is lost. Erased immediately if these conditions lead to fires. And what puts out the fires? Water.
So let us consider – have we honoured Water today. When we shower or bathe, have we thought or spoken our appreciation for Water? As we water our plants, our gardens, our lawns do we consciously honour the gift of Water. As we gaze out over a lake, river or ocean, are we grateful for the incredible beauty of Water? As we eat our food and drink our water or water-based beverages, do we give thanks to Water?
Children understand. They love to play in the snow, splash through puddles in the rain, play in the sprinklers, spray Water at each other, enjoy a leisurely bath…. swim, paddle, dive into Water.
Let us rejoice that we have an abundance of Water. Let us show our love and respect for this life giving element. Let us consider Water our new currency to share and preserve, to honour and conserve. Let us show our love for Water.
gagi 08/01/18