
The Sanctity of Life

the sanctity of life
one breath at a time
is the acknowledgement we are living
as aspects of the divine

what we can contribute
thru our power and grace
is our humble gift
to the whole human race

do not negate the gift that you are
for the love you have given me
has upheld me thus far
and my gratitude
is profound
i love you

gagi     06/04/24


Careful of the Now

be careful of the now
and the distortion thru pain
marginalized aspects
are enlarged, rearranged

copious memories
limit our view
and we are tempted to focus
on just a few

don’t forget to play
here now too
for laughter and fun
can clear and refresh
inviting you into
into the New

gagi     06/04&05/24

and our random poem for today…shared with love…

Let Go and Allow

no longer the programmer
let go of mental mind
allow the multi-dimensional
to guide and design

the potential of the new
grows within and beyond
once received/shared by the heart
mind is up-graded to restart

restart and configure
a new multi-d mind,
yes go figure
between receiver and doer
the outcome is newer
often refined beyond what the mind
has ever seen before

gagi     12/13/20