

the Laughing Buddha
allows it all
he feels no interference
he accepts it all

what is is

accepting all wave forms
that arrive on our shore
is an acceptance of others
who have all been here before

the gyro dynamics
of a multi-dimensional truth
is the essence of discerning
without needing proof

our uncomfortable feelings
with disruptive waves
doesn’t mean we retreat
into our heart-walled caves

protection as such
is now a thing of the past
we are creating the new
all are part of the cast

as we let all arrive
and let go of fear
don’t question why they’re different
their inclusion will help steer

steer us to the clarity
we seek to love and be loved
there can be no interference
in this ocean of love
for we’re all held in the waters
each thought form, spirit and soul
and expanding our love
is our unified goal

when this is achieved
we will become as believed

the multiverse’s arrival
takes us beyond simple survival
into the realms of pure light

gagi      01/10/19