Seeking to Understand
a special young man
asked a question
it was a plea
“do you ever make mistakes?”
he had been aggressive
triggered by a change in his day
something he hadn’t been told
so he couldn’t have a say
he is special
he has needs
he is wanting to be
on par with all others
like an extended family
his next question was
“what mistakes have you made?”
that was easy – i had slept in
i was late coming to visit
and apologized to him
it was an opportunity to say
we all make mistakes
and when we do something
we don’t always
know how it often relates
by impacting others
his anxiety and remorse
had run its full course
and his new understanding
was actually landing
we all make mistakes
we are the same
we all have feelings
and have so much to gain
by sharing
and talking about them
gagi 09/24/24