Pacific Sands
the waves that are lapping
that are coming onshore
are waters of the Pacific
that have been here before
the ebb and the flow
the continuous sound
sometimes they’re gentle
sometimes they pound
tune in to the rhythm
tune in to the sound
the waters are like a pulse
a heartbeat to be found
or is it the breathing
the in and the out
an expansion, contraction
that continues without
without any conscious awareness
of having to do
a continuous consistency
to plug into too
like sands that receive
the waves of the ocean
and shorelines that are molded
by the continuous motion
we too are formed
by what we receive
and how we respond
and choose to perceive
Pacific Sands of the shorelines
expanses of great beauty
multitudes of tiny crystals
holding wisdom as a duty
a duty to record
all thoughts and emotions
the history of life
from the land and the oceans
the waters receive them
and hold them within
and take them to shorelines
where an emptying begins
depositing each
in a crystal of sand
the shorelines hold the records
and the love of this land
gagi 11/16/14