Silver Thread

Silver Thread

a silver thread pulled straight and so long
ripples and moves, becoming a song
weaving back and forth like one way streets
intersecting, sometimes pausing
where other streets meet

silver, shiny, reflecting like the Moon
able to vibrate, to carry a tune
a thread that is flexible, able to bend
to weave in and out with other threads as they mend

whether to mend or create, in a way it’s the same
there’s no beginning or end to this tapestry game
there’s a story to be told, a song to be sung
to see it, to hear it, where has this thread begun?

each thread is woven into what already exists
yet a vision, an idea gives a very new twist
and the expression of the new soon changes the old
silver thread is reflecting a new story untold

we pick up the thread, we weave the new song
we’re weaving a tapestry where all can belong
we’re weaving with all colours and copper and gold
the song and the story begins to unfold

gagi     03/17/14